Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Greetings! You have stumbled upon my wonderful blog. I'll try to update this as much as possible. If you haven't gotten the gist of this site, it's about working from home in the Philippines. This is something a lot of moms out there would want to be able to do so that they can take care of their kids and earn some money at the same time. This is most particularly hard for single moms (like myself) to do. I decided to put up a blog to share my experiences with other stay-at-home mothers in the Philippines. It might be hard at first, although it is not impossible! Moms can manage to do extraordinary things if it's for their lovely kids :)

Right now, I do a couple of freelance content writing for some websites. I'm trying to get my writing gig off the ground and hope to make it my bread-and-butter soon. I discovered online freelance writing in the States, where I spent the third trimester of my pregnancy. It was much easier to get jobs when you are there because they would rather U.S. based individuals. I was blessed enough to have been able to take some freelance writing jobs home with me.

This is something that really helped me keep in contact with my employers!

The magicJack is amazing, it helped me keep my online job and now still allows me to contact my current employers as well as potential ones. I hope to help people get the home-based jobs they want through my experiences, networking and advice. The internet is now becoming a common place to find jobs in the Philippines, and it's only going to become easier for online workers to find jobs with the help of booming technology.

Hopefully, in a couple of years, there will be a number of companies in the Philippines devoted to helping out moms who would like to continue their career from home. There are, of course, negative sides to this. But, fingers-crossed, there's no telling what's in store for tomorrow!

Don't be a stranger! Let me know if you need anything in regards to working online for moms, dads or just someone who would like to set-up their office from the home! I'll try and help you out as much as possible. I think that working at home to be with your kids is a wonderful and inspiring feat. Props to all those moms who have already made a stable living by doing this!

xoxo -


  1. i enjoy visiting your blog and find it helpful for me this time that i am looking for a part-time job. hope you could give me more credible websites that will cater home-based jobs for a mom like me.Thank're a blessing:)keep up the good work!

    1. Hi Elle!

      I'm so sorry for replying so late. I actually stopped blogging, but now I'm back! I appreciate your comment. Right now, I'm looking for more legitimate online jobs. I'll let you know what I come up with by next week :)
