
I am a single work-at-home mom, living in the Philippines. I have the most wonderful baby boy named Trent who always smells so awesome! How do babies do that? I started blogging to share my experience to other work-at-home parents, or those who are aspiring to be. There are a lot of online opportunities out there, you just have to know where to look!

When people ask me where I work, and I tell them that I freelance write, I get a lot of mixed responses. There are a number of transparent people out there who give me that how-do-you-make-a-living-that-way? face! It's funny because a bit over a year ago, I probably would not have expected to be working from home. I always saw myself in an office job, growing in my fast-paced, busy career. I vaguely remember wanting to do oh-so much! Now, everything I do has to fit around my precious little baby-lumps and what would be best for him.

In the Philippines, getting a yaya (a nanny) is something very common. People would go to work and leave their kids at home with the help. I spent my first four months as a mother in the States, taking care of Trent by myself with help of my mom when she got home from work. I really believe that being a mother is something totally hands-on, and no matter how great your yaya is, nothing compares to mommy. This is something I learned in the delivery room where my mom handled things like a pro (after having four kids, she should be well trained when it comes to poppin' out babies). My labor went really quick, about two and a half hours, and there was no time for that epidural! Not that I believe it is safe for babies... When the pains of labor hit that high, and everything in the room went in loud, ringing silence I looked at my mom and could not imagine anyone else being with my in that room but her. It was then that I truly appreciated her as a mom, like really really. I may have before, but that experience spiked it up to a whole new level!

So, that's how I decided to work at home and stay with my baby. I just know that if I took an office job I'd miss him immensely! I love how I can play with him any time I want during the day and manage my schedule around that. I'm hoping to learn more from this working-at-home gig. Wish me luck!